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MV Parent Blog Post

Stock Up the Medicine Cabinet Now!!!  Posted: August 4th, 2020

Wow! It's August!

That means, it's time to organize and stock up the medicine cabinet for the next season! Yes, this is the perfect time to do this!

Stores often mark down cold and cough medicine this time of year to make room for new and/or improved products from the manufacturer. Products are marked down for several reasons. Some products are simply changing a few words on their box, so last year's box needs to go so the new box can be on the shelf. Sometimes the store simply overstocked a certain item thinking they would sell.

When you purchase items that are marked down, make sure you ALWAYS Check The Expiration Date. It doesn't make sense to buy an item on clearance if you won't use it by the time it expires.

<-----I was able to pick up this $27 Mucinex at Rite Aid for less than $6 after the 75% off discount and my 20% Gold Member discount.

Stocking up the medicine cabinet ahead of time can be a huge savings but it can also be a time saver too. Now, instead of running out to the store when you are sick to find cold medicine, you can stay home, reach into your cabinet, get what you need and curl up on the couch!

So be smart and find deals ahead of time! They can save you both time and money!